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What Are My Breast Augmentation Incision Options?

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Depending upon the unique physical characteristics of the patient, there are two main incision types Dr. Carrie Houssock typically recommends for breast augmentation: an infra-mammary crease incision or a peri-areolar incision.

An infra-mammary crease incision is carefully placed along the crease under the breast for easy concealment after breast augmentation surgery. This placement is often better for women who already have a well-defined breast crease prior to the procedure. A peri-areolar incision is made along the border of the areola in order to disguise the scar where the areola and the breast skin meet. This placement can be ideal for women with smaller natural breasts and a less-defined breast crease. In the vast majority of cases, however, Dr. Houssock does not use this type of incision because it is associated with a higher risk of capsular contracture.

In addition to the definition of the breast crease, other factors can impact which breast augmentation incision option may yield the best results. Dr. Houssock also considers the implant type, size, shape, and implant placement – and how all of these variables work together – when recommending an incision location. During the consultation process, Dr. Houssock will carefully review all of your options, discuss your individual goals, and create a custom surgical plan that can meet your expectations.