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Breast Lift Surgery Options Outlined by Baltimore Plastic Surgeon

Home/News Room / Breast Lift Surgery Options Outlined by Baltimore Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Carrie A. Houssock explains a variety of techniques used for breast lift surgery, and helps women to understand what they can expect after the procedure.

Baltimore, MD — Over time, breasts can begin to lose their youthful appearance, due to the effects of gravity, says Carrie A. Houssock, MD. The Baltimore-based board-certified plastic surgeon notes that childbirth and lactation can cause a loss of volume in the breasts, as well. To improve the appearance of the breasts, Dr. Houssock performs breast lift surgery. She says the procedure eliminates excess skin, effectively tightening the skin and lifting the breasts.

Although breast lift procedures typically involve placing a breast implant to improve breast volume, Dr. Houssock says many women seeking to lift their breasts are not interested in augmentation. For these patients, she offers a breast lift without implants. However, Dr. Houssock reminds women that if adequate breast tissue is not available, a modest breast implant may be necessary.

To achieve the most attractive results, Dr. Houssock says she carefully plans the necessary incisions based on the patient’s unique anatomy. She says a breast lift without scars is mostly unavoidable, but that she does everything she can to hide and minimize scarring. During the recovery period, Dr. Houssock provides her patients with important aftercare instructions, including how to use silicone sheeting to help reduce the appearance of scars. The Baltimore plastic surgeon informs patients that after surgery, their breasts may appear boxy and/or unusually high on the chest, but over time they should drop and achieve a more round and natural shape.

Breast lift patients can typically expect to be back to their regular activities after approximately one week – however, Dr. Houssock cautions patients to wait a bit longer before returning to certain physical activities. She notes that most patients will be healed and notice their scars have mostly faded after about 4-6 weeks. If patients notice a dark discoloration or other problems with healing of the nipple and areola, Dr. Houssock advises patients to contact their surgeon immediately. These can often be a sign of poor blood circulation or an issue with wound healing, she says.

Overall, Dr. Houssock says patients are generally very happy with this procedure. She says strategically placing the incisions is key to a successful breast lift, but that most patients accept the scars as a “trade-off,” stating, “They don’t mind having a few minor scars in exchange for a more attractive breast shape.” She also reminds patients, “Although there’s no way to avoid the fact that gravity will inevitably take its toll yet again, they will always look better having had the procedure in spite of this.”

To learn more about Dr. Houssock and her practice, please visit


JEV Plastic Surgery & Medical Aesthetics
4 Park Center Court, Ste. 100
Owings Mills, MD 21117

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