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Tips for Your Virtual Consultation

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In our last post, Dr. James Vogel explained why a consultation is an important part of the surgical process for plastic surgery or hair restoration procedures. In today’s post, he details some important information for patients to keep in mind when scheduling their virtual consultation.

With the addition of virtual consultations to my practice, patients from all over the country can meet with me at their convenience prior to their procedure. The virtual consultation helps give my out-of-town patients the opportunity to explore the options of cosmetic surgery and hair restoration surgery in a comfortable setting, which can also help reduce any initial anxiety patients may sometimes feel. When considering a virtual consultation, the tips below can help enhance the process.

Before you schedule a virtual consultation, think about which procedure or procedures you might be interested in. You will also need to take photographs to submit along with your request to help me better understand your area(s) of concern. For a breast augmentation consultation, please submit at least two photos: one front view and one side view. This will help me to assess your individual situation and recommend breast implant options that might work best for you. In your photos, please be sure to not include your face (except in photos being submitted for facial plastic surgery), use a solid background, and try to avoid having jewelry, piercings, or tattoos in the photos. For examples and full guidelines for your photos, please review the documents provided on our virtual consultation page.

Once you have submitted your photos and requested your virtual consultation, we can move forward with discussing your aesthetic goals. Your submitted photos and the information discussed in the virtual consultation will become part of your official patient chart.

James E. Vogel, MD, FACS

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If you have questions about virtual consultations, please do not hesitate to contact us today.